My across the street neighbors are Gucci. Well, some of the official Gucci offices here. They bought up tons of property in Florence several years ago and restored most off them
Replica Christian Louboutin. As neighbors go, they aren’t bad. No loud noises at night, they keep the place tidy, good people really. But interestingly enough, they seem to care a bit too much about fashion.
I realized this one night when I forgot to shut the shutters. I looked out and gucci handbag there were beautiful shelves, lighting up the room. I kept trying to determine what could possibly be so important and eventually (luckily for my curiosity’s sake) a well-dressed man came in and reverently picked up a shoe. Yes
Christian Louboutin Pumps discount, all of that space for shoe display. They are even men’s shoes (I guess Gucci designs mens shoes?). After the surreal shock wore off, I shook my head, blinked my eyes and went to bed. To a girl in sensible shoes, it seems a bit too much after all. However, I can’t help but wonder if now in my dreams the men will be at least well shod.
As for what I’ve been up to
Christian Louboutin Taupe satin Wedding Shoes, well, let’s just say I can’t complain. Went gucci shoe back toGrossetto and then Sunday to Terme di Saturnia. Umm, yeah, if you check out the links to that, you’ll see why I can’t complain. Oh, and I picked oranges. But that is another story all together.
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